#TopNaijaMusicBlackFridayDiscountDeals 2016

#TopNaijaMusicBlackFridayDiscountDeals 2016

Hulala! We are glad to bring you our #BlackFriday specials for this November, 2016 like we did last year 2015. Its a great deal of discount that you can’t get anywhere else and at any other time of the year. We call it the time for INCREDIBLE DISCOUNTS! See what we’ve got for you this year.

So, lets get down to business.

For Any Enquiry, Contact  Paul on whatsapp: 07084464458 or BBM: 2B6B7B23 or email: email@topnaijamusic.com

(1) Upload Your Song on on TopNaijaMusic.com Blog (Without Hype) @ N3,000 instead of N5,500

(2) Song/Video Upload on TopNaijaMusic.com + Blast Your Song/Video To Over 800,000 Twitter/Facebook Followers 3 times daily for 7 days @ N4,000 instead of N7,500

(3) Song/Video Upload on TopNaijaMusic.com + Blast Your Song/Video To Over 800,000 Twitter/Facebook Followers 3 times daily for 2 weeks @ N5,500 instead of N10,000

(4) Song/Video Upload on TopNaijaMusic.com + Blast Your Song/Video To Over 800,000 Twitter/Facebook Followers 3 times daily for one month @ N10,000 instead of N20,000

(5) Get Radio Airplay on Top Naija Music Radio For One Song For The Period Of a Year @ N20,000 instead of N80,000  (You can download the app from Apple, Google Play, Apple Store and Windows App Store)

(6) Get Radio Airplay on Top Naija Music Radio For One Song For The Period Of 6 Months @ N10,000 instead of N40,000  (You can download the app from Apple, Google Play, Apple Store and Windows App Store)

(7) Buy Nigerian Based Twitter Followers For N2 Per Follower instead of N3 with a minimum order of 1000 followers. So, for example, 1000 followers costs N1,500 instead of N3,000.

(8) Buy Nigerian based Instagram Followers for N3.50 instead of N5 per follower with a minimum order of 500 Nigerian followers. In this case, 1000 followers will cost N3,500 instead of N5,000.

(9) Get Your Song On iTunes @ N4,000 instead of N7,500

(10) Enjoy 50% discounts on selected promo packages on www.topnaijamusic.com/musicpromo

(11) Enjoy 50% discounts on packages on www.tnmartistenetwork.com


(1) After making your choice, pay the amount of the promo plan into GUARANTY TRUST BANK ACCT NAME: OGHOGHORIE PAUL. Acct No: 0109012754. (You can pay via direct bank deposit, atm transfer, online transfer, quickteller, paga, mobile transfer or sms transfer)

(2) Send your payment details and what you paid for to blackfriday@topnaijamusic.com. (dont mind the blackfriday email. Send cyber monday payment info to the email too). Also include your active telephone line so that we can call you if we have any enquiry or clarification to make.

NB: Even if what you want to promote is not ready yet, you can go ahead and make payment during this blackfriday offer and you have within 30days to send in the content you paid for or else your payment will expire and you will be expected to pay the balance to effect the promo.

Once again, this offers come to a close on Monday Night by 12midnight.

Thanks for doing business with us.


God Bless You!


